When aiding a family member struggling with addiction, there may come a point when a crisis intervention and an involuntary admission to rehab may become necessary. These decisions are never easy and require careful consideration.

In this blog, we will explore the crucial considerations for family members in such situations and provide an understanding of the processes involved.

In some cases, yes. When an individual’s addiction poses a severe threat to their well-being, health, or the safety of others, involuntary admission to a rehab centre might be necessary. This typically occurs when the person is unable or unwilling to seek treatment voluntarily, and the family fears for their life.

In South Africa, the Prevention and Treatment of Substance Use Act 70 of 2008, Section 33 makes provision for the involuntary admission of persons in need of treatment.

In South Africa, involuntary rehab admission is a legal process that allows a concerned family member, friend, or professional to request the compulsory admission of an addicted individual to a rehabilitation centre. This is done to ensure the person receives the necessary treatment, even if they are initially resistant or unwilling to seek help voluntarily.

Yes, a family member can request involuntary admission to treatment, but this process often requires the involvement of professionals. The family member typically initiates the process by contacting relevant addiction specialists, such as an addictions counsellor or social worker, who will also involve legal authorities or professionals if required.

Crisis interventions and involuntary admissions are critical processes and are led by professionals with expertise in addiction counselling, social work, or mental health. Their responsibilities include assessing the situation, evaluating the individual’s condition, and determining the need for involuntary admission. Additionally, they may coordinate with other professionals to gather essential information and complete the required forms and documents for the court to grant the request (committal order).

Seek Professional Guidance

Family members should consult with professionals experienced in addiction and mental health. They can guide you through the process and help determine whether involuntary admission is the right course of action. See more information in our paragraph “Preparing Emotionally: Guidance from a Social Worker”.

Gather Information and Collect Evidence

It is essential to collect details about the person’s struggles with addiction, how it has affected their life, and any potential risks they might pose to themselves or others. This documentation plays a vital role in the legal process.

Plan the Crisis Intervention

A well-structured intervention can be more effective. Ensure everyone involved is on the same page and involve an addictions counsellor or social worker to guide the process.

Legal Aspects

Understand the legal requirements for involuntary admission. This may involve obtaining court orders or working with law enforcement. Again, the addictions counsellor or social worker involved will be able to guide and assist you.

Crisis intervention and involuntary admission to rehab for a loved one is an emotionally taxing journey. Therefore, it is vital that families and those involved also receive emotional support.

To navigate this challenging path with empathy and preparedness, involving a skilled social worker can be invaluable. A skilled addictions counsellor and social worker can provide crucial support to families.

Processing Information

The involvement of a social worker helps families grasp the intricate information tied to these procedures. They explain the legal aspects, potential outcomes, and available resources, ensuring that families have a clear understanding of what lies ahead.

Emotional Support

Social workers provide an essential source of emotional support. They aid family members manage the complex emotions, providing a safe space for expressing fears, concerns, and hopes. Read in our blog “Empathy and Support in Addiction Crisis Intervention” and “The Importance of Family Support During Addiction Recovery”.

Support and Aftercare

Be prepared for resistance and have a plan for aftercare. Once the person is in treatment, continue offering support to aid their recovery.

Equipping with Skills

Social workers empower families with practical skills. These include fostering effective communication, conflict resolution, and understanding the dynamics of addiction. These skills are crucial for planning and implementing the involuntary admission successfully. For more on family counseling benefits, explore our article “Healing and Recovery for Families Dealing with Addiction”.

Choosing crisis intervention for a loved one is tough but a crucial turning point in their journey toward recovery. Remember that you are not alone in this process.